Thursday, April 5, 2007

Pair Programming and Summary Grids

The Pair Programming last night was extremely helpful. Much thanks again to Austen. Some of the items we discussed included:

1) HTML tag replacement and recognition. To dynamically generate the HTML page the module needs to recognize the specified HTML tags and replace them with the title followed by the data from the drill down lists.
2) The difference between how the summary strings are formed as opposed to the drill down data.
3) The typing of the List returned from the summary grid containing the drill down data and how to access it.
4) Issues regarding whether every sdt implements its drill down data uniquely.

Some miscellaneous things we went over included unit testing, proper java styles, and especially shortcuts and hotkeying things in eclipse. Which is just the greatest thing ever quite frankly.

This accessing and instantiating the drill down data remains the hardest thing left to do in the project. The remaining items to finish include:
1) Finish the UI/fix the UI bug(s).
2) Finish the new timer task implementation.
3) Figure out why gmail doesn't like linking to external style sheets.
4) Persist the entered email addresses and boolean "enable" value using JDOM.
5) I also need to update just about everything on the google project website.

At the very least I need to have at least a manual email generator which displays the drill down data in a formatted email finished by next week. I'm not sure what to package for the release this friday though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In your presentation, you demonstrated that GMail rejects the figures and fails to display HTML correctly. I think you will have to embed pictures. I will be very interested to know how you implement the inline images.