Sunday, April 15, 2007

HTML Templating and Daily Project Data Collection

There seems to be an issue in the gathering of the daily project data with regards to gathering data for all user for a given day, as opposed to just data for the user logged in. Right now the data is gathered via the DailyProjectDataCache, which I'm thinking might not be the right implementation for this project. When the Daily Project Data instance is returned from the cache the code calls the getDrilldowns method, which returns the drilldowns for the indicated day.

What I don't understand is why the getDrilldowns method uses the 'User' parameter. Right now I'm only able to collect data for the user logged in, but when the DailyProjectDetails module uses this method and invokes it in the same way through the data cache, it is able to grab data for all users.

I've dug through almost every Sdt extension of the Daily Project Data abstract class and can't see ANYWHERE that the user parameter is used.

If anyone knows the answer please let me know.

I should be finished templating the HTML code tonight but I need all of the data from all users to populate it, or else the whole purpose of this project is meaningless.


Philip Johnson said...

Sorry, I'm not sure what the problem is. You can ignore the user parameter and gather the data for all users in the project. (But you seem to already realize that.)

Maybe stop by and chat with me about this.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.